stop judging
'for as you judge so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?'
flipped thru matthews and chanced upon this particular short passage.
An ideal input to my book of ethics : )
many tend to overlook the goodness of others and judge them in accordance to their actions or words. have we ever thought how wrong we could be? or how misunderstood the other party is? and how we should just look at ourselves first before we try to look at others.
hohoho, this is so gonna be one of my favourite principalities.
thurs and friday's gonna be project-filled days for me.
and the cannery at clarke quay on friday night, so looking forward to it : )
a good end to my week. yay.
flipped thru matthews and chanced upon this particular short passage.
An ideal input to my book of ethics : )
many tend to overlook the goodness of others and judge them in accordance to their actions or words. have we ever thought how wrong we could be? or how misunderstood the other party is? and how we should just look at ourselves first before we try to look at others.
hohoho, this is so gonna be one of my favourite principalities.
thurs and friday's gonna be project-filled days for me.
and the cannery at clarke quay on friday night, so looking forward to it : )
a good end to my week. yay.
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