Friday, September 15, 2006

a great dismay

still in mental rejection
i'm so annoyed at TOSHIBA
my hard-drive's in a fix once again.
1) spillage
2) faulty HD
what's next man? i fear to think.
i have no fate with laptops.

i hope it'll be revived once again like my old fujitsu
ryan!! ur mac is still better la. arghh
*i need ke-trillion prayers.

Flo called and she told me a story.
the process and the attitude that forms the outcome.
it's so true florydory, it really is.
thanks for that encouragement.
u call at the right time, n let me emphasise, you always do!
embrace the struggle at work and utilise ur fav phrase 'rejoice'!! @ all times dearie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, mac has like the best OS in the world. tat time crashed was due to hardware problem. babes, i even got ur blogspot on my taskbar la. its like instant short cut! show ya next time. ur toshiba will be in my prayers. amen.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Sarahh.p said...

yes, pls pray. a ke-trillion.
argh.. thanks dude!!!
take good care of ur mac!

10:52 PM  

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