Saturday, September 09, 2006

a gushy move.

fri night
drove daddy-o to the airport.
off to nagoya : ))
Japan's one of the places i have yet to traverse too.
Due to A-levels, i had to forgo tt sea odyssey with my family.

headed for supper with Jem & Daniel @ ahmei thereafter.
bumped into Anthony with his 'weird' friend and gang. haha
the night seemed really long for me. could not get to sleep one bit.
chit chatted with lil' lyn in the wee hours of the morning, talking about a lil bit of everything.
will miss that babe when she goes over to the land of the aussie's man!
talked about the future, adversities and my changing aspirations that brought my contentment. hohoho
i would love to go to the land of the 'maori's, to prolly further my studies though.
is the grass really greener on the other side? ratrace Singapore, i dislike.
ah well, that would be like 2 yrs later or so i presume.
At this point in time, i'm glad i kinda sorted out where and what i would be heading into.
gotta discern about it too. :) to get a clear direction.

Dozed off at about 5-odd after delving into some past memoirs.
a sudden flashback tt must have caused my insomnia.
so foolish of me to have sent that message.
back into the human self, when ur heart rules ur head for that moment. argh.

My Fry-day afternoon was spent with my fypmates.
Ntuc income to interview the loans dept mgr, a rather fulfillling session i must say.
walked thru SMU, met Adriel for a while and bumped into some familiar faces.
a pity i did not manage to meet my UBS friends.
Met Peishi for a while, got a 'warehouse' white top at this secluded bazzaar in ngee ann city
for a good 9 bucks. (90% sale). A quick stop at far east to pluck my 'bushy' brows then headed home early on a Fri.
Mum just came back from Perth and thus, dinner was prepared for us.
5 tops were in store for me. For once, mum's taste improved tremendously. *love
she's into polka dots. how cute!

chic faves for the moment:
Opal/peach eyeshadow from bobbibrown
simple tee frm fareast
bodyshop sweet scents for the hostel room
colourful bright striped sling bag from the lifestyle shop
purple nike trainers

TM in s77.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your chic favs is your birthday wishlist right... whahahaa
btw, i look good in the pics below. i'll try to look uglier just in case i took most of ur limelight.

*just kiddin'*

2:46 PM  
Blogger Sarahh.p said...

i lovee the bag although u thought it was ugz! hahaa

nah, i doubt u stole the limelight. try harder k.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bag was a fashion disaster. if chloe designed that bag in project runway, she might have to go back to Laos!

plz pray for my macbook. amen.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Sarahh.p said...

its NOT A FASHION DISASTER! unique ok!!!!!

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow sarahs blogging! (since when u had the time ?! you're always either,
1. studying
2. studying
3. exams, studying
4. studying
5. studying
6. friends party
7. friends.
(where does cousins come in, uh!???) lol
hi mad woman. sarah pee. and also known as mole, k?!

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahhhh..i hope i can go auusie land too..and escape the yucky singapore but miss you guys :( study hard babe!love!

1:15 AM  

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