Saturday, December 30, 2006

packaged in a ribbon of risk.

'though i can speak 5 languages and talk intelligently on dozens of subjects,
if i dont have enough love to keep from gossiping or putting down others, i'm not just making so much useless noise, i'm being downright destructive'..

we all can be mistaken or misguided at times, our words and deeds often fall short, and our bright ideas dont always play out the way we want or expect them to be.

we gotta untie the gift, assume the risk and equally, the joy.

and keep in mind that love never fails, god's spirit of love

rely on that : )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 languages?!??!

1. english
2. malay
3. er, indian
4. er, chinese
5. er, tongues?

HAHA am i rite

12:52 PM  

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